Subscriber Lists
Retrieve List Details
This endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific list, including segments, custom fields, subscriber tags, and autoresponders associated with the list.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | List.Assets | Yes |
ListID | The unique identifier for the list to retrieve details for | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "List.Assets",
"ListID": "123"
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"List": {
"ListID": "123",
"ListName": "Sample List",
"RelOwnerUserID": "456"
"Segments": [
"CustomFields": [
"SubscriberTags": [
"AutoResponders": [
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1,
"ErrorMessage": "Required field 'ListID' is missing."
1: Required field 'ListID' is missing.
Create a New Subscriber List
This endpoint is used to create a new subscriber list for the user. The list will be associated with the user's account based on their UserID
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | List.Create - The command to create a new subscriber list | Yes |
SubscriberListName | The name of the new subscriber list to be created | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "List.Create",
"subscriberlistname": "My New List"
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": "",
"ListID": 12345
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": [
"ErrorText": "Required field missing: subscriberlistname"
1: Required field missing: subscriberlistname
2: Duplicate list name (Note: This check is currently disabled)
3: User has exceeded the maximum number of subscriber lists
Retrieve Subscriber List
This endpoint retrieves a specific subscriber list based on the provided list identifier.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | List.Get | Yes |
ListID | The unique identifier for the list to be retrieved | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"SessionID": "your-session-id", "APIKey": "your-api-key", "Command": "List.Get", "ListID": "123"}'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"List": {
"ListID": "123",
"ListName": "My Subscriber List",
"SubscriberCount": 250,
"EventListTrackerID": "abc",
"EventUserTrackerID": "abc",
"EventTrackerJS": "...",
"EventTrackerProperties": [],
"LastEventTrackedAt": "2024-02-21 08:33:47"
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": {
"listid": 1
1: The 'ListID' parameter is missing or invalid.
Update Subscriber List
This endpoint updates the information of an existing subscriber list based on the provided parameters.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | List.Update | Yes |
SubscriberListID | The unique identifier of the subscriber list to update | Yes |
Name | The new name of the subscriber list | No |
SenderName | The new sender's name | No |
SenderEmailAddress | The new sender's email address | No |
SenderCompany | The new sender's company name | No |
SenderAddress | The new sender's address | No |
OptInMode | The opt-in mode for the list (Single or Double ) | No |
OptInConfirmationEmailID | The email ID used for opt-in confirmation | No |
OptOutAddToSuppressionList | Whether to add opt-outs to the suppression list (Yes or No ) | No |
OptOutAddToGlobalSuppressionList | Whether to add opt-outs to the global suppression list (Yes or No ) | No |
HideInSubscriberArea | Whether to hide the list in the subscriber area (true or false ) | No |
SendServiceIntegrationFailedNotification | Whether to send notifications on service integration failure (true or false ) | No |
SendActivityNotification | Whether to send activity notifications (true or false ) | No |
SubscriptionConfirmationPendingPageURL | URL for the subscription confirmation pending page | No |
SubscriptionConfirmedPageURL | URL for the subscription confirmed page | No |
SubscriptionErrorPageURL | URL for the subscription error page | No |
UnsubscriptionConfirmedPageURL | URL for the unsubscription confirmed page | No |
UnsubscriptionErrorPageURL | URL for the unsubscription error page | No |
ReqByEmailSearchToAddress | The email address to search for email-based requests | No |
ReqByEmailSubscriptionCommand | The command for email-based subscription | No |
ReqByEmailUnsubscriptionCommand | The command for email-based unsubscription | No |
SyncStatus | The status of data synchronization (Enabled or Disabled ) | No |
SyncPeriod | The period for data synchronization | No |
SyncSendReportEmail | Whether to send a report email after synchronization (Yes or No ) | No |
SyncMySQLHost | The MySQL host for data synchronization | No |
SyncMySQLPort | The MySQL port for data synchronization | No |
SyncMySQLUsername | The MySQL username for data synchronization | No |
SyncMySQLPassword | The MySQL password for data synchronization | No |
SyncMySQLDBName | The MySQL database name for data synchronization | No |
SyncMySQLQuery | The MySQL query for data synchronization | No |
SyncFieldMapping | The field mapping for data synchronization | No |
SyncLastDateTime | The last date and time of data synchronization | No |
OptOutScope | The scope of opt-out (This list or All lists ) | No |
OptOutSubscribeTo | The list ID to subscribe to on opt-out | No |
OptOutUnsubscribeFrom | The list ID to unsubscribe from on opt-out | No |
OptInSubscribeTo | The list ID to subscribe to on opt-in | No |
OptInUnsubscribeFrom | The list ID to unsubscribe from on opt-in | No |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=example-session-id' \
-d 'APIKey=example-api-key' \
-d 'Command=List.Update' \
-d 'SubscriberListID=123' \
-d 'Name=Updated List Name'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": "",
"List": {
"ListID": "123",
"Name": "Updated List Name"
// Other updated list details...
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": [
"ErrorText": [
"Subscriber list id is missing"
1: Subscriber list id is missing
2: Invalid subscriber list id
3: Invalid opt in mode
4: Invalid opt out scope
5: Invalid send service integration notification setting
6: Invalid setting
8: Data synchronization settings are invalid
9: Invalid email address for reqbyemailsearchtoaddress
10: Invalid opt out suppression list option
11: Nothing to update
Delete Subscriber Lists
This endpoint allows for the deletion of one or more subscriber lists associated with a user's account. The user must provide the list IDs to be deleted.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | The API command to execute, which is Lists.Delete for this endpoint. | Yes |
lists | Comma-separated list IDs to be deleted | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"SessionID": "your-session-id", "APIKey": "your-api-key", "Command": "Lists.Delete", "lists": "123,456"}'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": ""
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": {
"lists": 1
"ErrorText": "Subscriber list ids are missing"
1: Subscriber list ids are missing
Retrieve Subscriber Lists
This endpoint retrieves a list of subscriber lists for the authenticated user, with options to specify the number of records, starting point, order, and additional statistics.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Lists.Get - The command to execute the retrieval of subscriber lists. | Yes |
RecordsPerRequest | The number of records to return per request. | No |
RecordsFrom | The starting point for records to return. | No |
OrderField | The field by which to order the lists. Default is ListID . | No |
OrderType | The type of order for the lists, either ASC or DESC . Default is ASC . | No |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "Lists.Get",
"RecordsPerRequest": 10,
"RecordsFrom": 0,
"OrderField": "ListID",
"OrderType": "ASC"
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": "",
"TotalListCount": 25,
"Lists": [
"ListID": "1",
"EncryptedSaltedListID": "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0",
"SyncLastDateTime": "2023-01-01 12:00:00"
"ListID": "2",
"EncryptedSaltedListID": "ab56b4d92b40713acc5af89985d4b786",
"SyncLastDateTime": "2023-01-02 12:00:00"
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 101,
"ErrorText": "Invalid SessionID or APIKey"
101: "Invalid SessionID or APIKey."
Website Event Property List
This API call will return the list of website event properties for a specific subscriber list ID.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Website_Events.Properties | Yes |
ListID | The subscriber list ID. | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "SessionID=your-session-id" \
-d "" \
-d "ListID=1"
"ListID": "1",
"Properties": {
"conversion": [
"customEvent": [
"identify": [
"pageView": [
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1,
"ErrorText": "Missing ListID parameter"
1: Missing ListID parameter (HTTP 422)
2: Invalid ListID parameter (HTTP 422)
3: List not found (HTTP 404)