Email Campaigns
Campaign Approval
This endpoint is used to approve a campaign by updating its status to 'Ready'. The campaign is identified by its unique CampaignID
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Approve | Yes |
CampaignID | The unique identifier for the campaign to approve | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"SessionID": "your-session-id", "APIKey": "your-api-key", "Command": "Campaign.Approve", "CampaignID": "123"}'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1
1: Missing required parameter: CampaignID
2: Campaign not found
Cancel a Campaign
This endpoint is used to cancel a specific campaign. The campaign must belong to the user making the request.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Cancel | Yes |
CampaignID | The unique identifier for the campaign to be canceled | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=Campaign.Cancel' \
-d 'CampaignID=123'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1
1: Missing required field: CampaignID
2: Campaign does not belong to the user or does not exist
Copy Campaign
This endpoint allows you to create a copy of an existing campaign. The new campaign will be created with the status ' Draft' and all the settings from the original campaign, except for the scheduled sending information.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Copy | Yes |
CampaignID | The unique identifier of the campaign to be copied | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=example-session-id' \
-d 'APIKey=example-api-key' \
-d 'Command=Campaign.Copy' \
-d 'CampaignID=123'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"NewCampaignID": "456"
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": [
"ErrorText": [
"Invalid source campaign"
1: Invalid source campaign
Create a New Campaign
This endpoint is used to create a new campaign in the system. It requires the user to provide a unique campaign name.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Create | Yes |
CampaignName | The name of the campaign to be created | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"SessionID": "your-session-id", "APIKey": "your-api-key", "Command": "Campaign.Create", "CampaignName": "Summer Sale Campaign"}'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"CampaignID": 12345
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1
1: "The campaign name is required."
Retrieve Campaign Details
This endpoint retrieves detailed information about a specific campaign, including statistics if requested, and calculates the campaign's email delivery throughput.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Get | Yes |
campaignid | Unique identifier for the campaign to retrieve | Yes |
retrievestatistics | Boolean flag to indicate if campaign statistics should be retrieved | No |
retrievetags | Boolean flag to indicate if campaign tags should be retrieved | No |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=Campaign.Get' \
-d 'campaignid=123' \
-d 'retrievestatistics=true' \
-d 'retrievetags=true'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Campaign": {
"CampaignID": 123,
"Name": "Summer Sale",
"Status": "Active",
"TotalSent": 10000,
"TotalHardBounces": 100,
"TotalSoftBounces": 50,
"HardBounceRatio": "1.00",
"SoftBounceRatio": "0.50",
"Statistics": {
"OpenStatistics": {
"ClickStatistics": {
"Tags": [
"CampaignThroughput": {
"EmailsPerSecond": 5
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1,
"ErrorMessage": "Required parameter 'campaignid' is missing."
1: Required parameter 'campaignid' is missing.
2: The 'campaignid' parameter must be numeric.
Pause a Campaign
This endpoint is used to pause an ongoing campaign. It ensures that the campaign belongs to the user and is currently in a 'Sending' state before pausing it.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Pause | Yes |
CampaignID | The unique identifier of the campaign to be paused | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=Campaign.Pause' \
-d 'CampaignID=123'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1
1: Missing required parameter: CampaignID
2: Campaign does not belong to the user
3: Campaign is not in a 'Sending' state
Resume a Campaign
This endpoint allows the user to resume a previously paused campaign. The campaign must belong to the user and must be in a 'Paused' state before it can be resumed.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Resume | Yes |
CampaignID | The unique identifier of the campaign to be resumed | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=Campaign.Resume' \
-d 'CampaignID=123'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1
1: Missing required parameter: CampaignID
2: Campaign does not belong to the user
3: Campaign is not in a 'Paused' state
Update Campaign Details
This endpoint allows you to update the details of an existing campaign. You can modify various attributes of the campaign, including its status, schedule, recipients, and more.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaign.Update | Yes |
CampaignID | Unique identifier for the campaign to be updated | Yes |
CampaignStatus | The new status of the campaign (e.g., Draft, Ready, Sending) | No |
CampaignName | The new name for the campaign | No |
RelEmailID | The ID of the email associated with the campaign | No |
ScheduleType | The type of scheduling for the campaign (e.g., Immediate, Future, Recursive) | No |
SendDate | The date when the campaign is scheduled to be sent | No |
SendTime | The time when the campaign is scheduled to be sent | No |
SendTimeZone | The timezone for the send date and time | No |
ScheduleRecDaysOfWeek | Days of the week when the campaign is scheduled to recur | No |
ScheduleRecDaysOfMonth | Days of the month when the campaign is scheduled to recur | No |
ScheduleRecMonths | Months when the campaign is scheduled to recur | No |
ScheduleRecHours | Hours when the campaign is scheduled to recur | No |
ScheduleRecMinutes | Minutes when the campaign is scheduled to recur | No |
ScheduleRecSendMaxInstance | Maximum instances for the campaign to be sent on a recurring schedule | No |
ApprovalUserExplanation | Explanation from the user for campaign approval | No |
GoogleAnalyticsDomains | Domains to be tracked with Google Analytics | No |
PublishOnRSS | Whether to publish the campaign on RSS (Enabled or Disabled) | No |
RulesJsonBundle | Target audience in RulesJson syntax (see instructions). If this parameter is provided, RecipientListsAndSegments and Exclude_RecipientListsAndSegments will be ignored. | No |
RecipientListsAndSegments | Comma-separated list of recipient list and segment IDs | No |
Exclude_RecipientListsAndSegments | Comma-separated list of recipient list and segment IDs to exclude | No |
S2SEnabled | Whether the Send-to-Send feature is enabled or not | No |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=example-session-id' \
-d 'APIKey=example-api-key' \
-d 'Command=Campaign.Update' \
-d 'CampaignID=123' \
-d 'CampaignStatus=Ready' \
-d 'CampaignName=New Campaign Name'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1
1: Campaign ID is required
2: Campaign does not belong to the user
3: Invalid campaign status
4: Email ID does not belong to the user
5: Invalid schedule type
6: Send date is required for future scheduled campaigns
7: Send time is required for future scheduled campaigns
8: Either days of the week or days of the month must be specified for recursive campaigns
9: Months are required for recursive campaigns
10: Hours are required for recursive campaigns
11: Minutes are required for recursive campaigns
12: Maximum instances are required for recursive campaigns
13: Timezone is required for scheduled campaigns
This parameter is based on RulesJson
criteria syntax. You can set a detailed target audience for your email campaigns using RulesJsonbundle
Here's an example:
"operator": "or",
"criteria": [
"list_id": 1,
"operator": "and",
"rules": [
"type": "fields",
"field_id": "EmailAddress",
"operator": "contains",
"value": "user1"
"type": "fields",
"field_id": "EmailAddress",
"operator": "contains",
"value": ".net"
"list_id": 2,
"operator": "or",
"rules": [
"type": "fields",
"field_id": "EmailAddress",
"operator": "contains",
"value": "@test"
"type": "fields",
"field_id": "EmailAddress",
"operator": "contains",
"value": "@gmail"
Delete Campaigns
This endpoint allows for the deletion of one or more campaigns associated with a user's account. The user must provide a list of campaign IDs to be deleted.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaigns.Delete | Yes |
Campaigns | Comma-separated list of campaign IDs to be deleted | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=Campaigns.Delete' \
-d 'Campaigns=1,2,3'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": ""
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": {
"campaigns": 1
1: The 'campaigns' parameter is missing or invalid.
Retrieve Campaigns
This endpoint retrieves a list of campaigns based on the provided criteria. It allows for filtering, ordering, and can optionally include campaign statistics.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Campaigns.Get | Yes |
RecordsPerRequest | The number of records to retrieve per request | No |
RecordsFrom | The starting point from which to retrieve records | No |
CampaignStatus | The status of the campaigns to filter by All , Sent , Draft , Ready , Sending , Pending , Sent , Failed , Scheduled | No |
SearchKeyword | A keyword to search for in campaign names | No |
OrderField | The field to order the results by. It can be any campaign field or any of sort-by-status (always sorts in descending order), sort-by-send-date | No |
OrderType | The type of ordering to apply (e.g., 'ASC', 'DESC') | No |
RetrieveTags | Whether to retrieve tags associated with the campaigns (true/false) | No |
Tags | A comma-separated list of tag IDs to filter campaigns by | No |
RetrieveStatistics | Whether to retrieve statistics for the campaigns (true/false) | No |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=Campaigns.Get' \
-d 'RecordsPerRequest=10' \
-d 'RecordsFrom=0' \
-d 'CampaignStatus=Scheduled' \
-d 'SearchKeyword=Summer' \
-d 'OrderField=CampaignName' \
-d 'OrderType=ASC' \
-d 'RetrieveTags=true' \
-d 'Tags=1,2,3' \
-d 'RetrieveStatistics=true'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": "",
"Campaigns": [
"CampaignID": "123",
"CampaignName": "Summer Sale",
"CampaignStatus": "Active"
"TotalCampaigns": 50
There are no error codes for this API end-point.
There are no error codes for this API end-point.