Users API Documentation
Retrieve Current User Information
This endpoint retrieves the current user's public information, including personal details, group information, multi-factor authentication (MFA) setup, WooCommerce subscription ID, and email gateway usage and rate limits.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | User.Current | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"SessionID": "your-session-id", "APIKey": "your-api-key", "Command": "User.Current"}'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"UserInfo": {
"UserID": "12345",
"RelUserGroupID": "1",
"EmailAddress": "",
"Username": "johndoe",
"ReputationLevel": "5",
"UserSince": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"CompanyName": "Example Corp",
"Website": "",
"Street": "123 Example St",
"Street2": "Suite 100",
"City": "Example City",
"State": "EX",
"Zip": "12345",
"Country": "Exampleland",
"VAT": "EX1234567",
"Phone": "+1234567890",
"PhoneVerified": "Yes",
"Fax": "+1234567891",
"TimeZone": "UTC",
"LastActivityDateTime": "2023-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"AccountStatus": "Active",
"AvailableCredits": "100",
"2FA_Enabled": "No",
"2FA_RecoveryKey": "abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop",
"SSOID": "sso-12345",
"GroupInfo": {
"UserGroupID": "1",
"GroupName": "Standard",
"GroupPlanName": "Basic Plan"
"Options": {
"DefaultSenderDomain": "",
"DefaultSenderDomainMonthlyLimit": "35",
"DefaultSenderDomainRemainingMonthlyQuota": 35
"MFA_QRCode": "",
"MFA_SecretKey": "MFA123SECRET",
"SubscriptionID": "123456789"
"Usage": {
"EmailGateway_TotalSentThisMonth": 100,
"EmailGateway_TotalSentAllTime": 1000,
"Limit_Monthly": 500,
"Limit_Lifetime": 10000
"SendRateLimits": {
"EmailGateway": {
"RateLimits": {
"MaxSendPerMinute": 10,
"MaxSendPerHour": 200,
"MaxSendPerDay": 1000
"SendRates": {
"CurrentSendRatePerMinute": 5,
"CurrentSendRatePerHour": 150,
"CurrentSendRatePerDay": 800
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1,
"ErrorMessage": "Invalid SessionID or APIKey"
1: Invalid SessionID or APIKey
2: User not found
3: Access denied
4: Required parameter missing
5: Internal server error
Retrieve User Information
This endpoint retrieves user information based on the provided email address or user ID.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | User.Get | Yes |
EmailAddress | The email address of the user to retrieve information for. Required if UserID is not provided. | Conditional |
UserID | The unique identifier of the user to retrieve information for. Required if EmailAddress is not provided. | Conditional |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "User.Get",
"EmailAddress": ""
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"UserInformation": {
"UserID": "123",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"EmailAddress": "",
"GroupInformation": {
"UserGroupID": "2",
"GroupName": "Test User Group",
"Options": {
"DefaultSenderDomain": "",
"DefaultSenderDomainMonthlyLimit": "35",
"DefaultSenderDomainRemainingMonthlyQuota": 35
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": [
1: "EmailAddress is required when UserID is not provided."
2: "UserID is required when EmailAddress is not provided."
3: "User not found with the provided information."
User Authentication
This endpoint is used for authenticating a user with a username and password or an API key. It supports both standard and email-based logins, as well as two-factor authentication (2FA) recovery.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
Command | User.Login | Yes |
Username | The username of the user trying to log in | No* |
Password | The password of the user in plain text | No* |
PasswordEncrypted | Set to true if the password is already encrypted (MD5) | No |
DisableCaptcha | Set to true to disable captcha verification | No |
Captcha | The captcha value that needs to be verified | No* |
TfaRecoveryCode | The recovery code for users with 2FA enabled | No |
Disable2fa | Set to true to disable 2FA verification for this login attempt | No |
TfaCode | The 2FA code from the user's authentication app | No |
(*) username
and password
are required unless an APIKey
is provided. If disablecaptcha
is not set to true, captcha
is required.
curl -X POST \
-d 'Command=User.Login' \
-d 'username=johndoe' \
-d 'password=examplePassword'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": "",
"SessionID": "newSessionId",
"UserInfo": {
"UserID": "123",
"Username": "johndoe",
"EmailAddress": "",
"AccountStatus": "Enabled",
"Password": "****** masked ******"
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": [
"ErrorText": [
"Invalid login information"
1: Missing username
2: Missing password
3: Invalid login information
4: Missing or invalid captcha
5: Invalid captcha
6: Invalid 2FA code or recovery code
Update User Information
This endpoint allows for updating user information. It can be used to modify various user details such as email address, username, personal information, and account settings. Some parameters can only be updated by an administrator.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | User.Update | Yes |
UserID | The unique identifier of the user to update | Yes |
AccountStatus | The new status of the user's account (admin only) | No |
AvailableCredits | The number of available credits for the user (admin only) | No |
SignUpIPAddress | The IP address from which the user signed up (admin only) | No |
APIKey | The new API key for the user (admin only) | No |
RelUserGroupID | The ID of the user group to which the user belongs (admin only) | No |
ReputationLevel | The reputation level of the user, either 'Trusted' or 'Untrusted' (admin only) | No |
UserSince | The date since the user has been a member (admin only) | No |
EmailAddress | The new email address for the user | No |
Username | The new username for the user | No |
Password | The new password for the user | No |
FirstName | The user's first name | No |
LastName | The user's last name | No |
CompanyName | The name of the user's company | No |
Website | The user's website URL | No |
OtherEmailAddresses | Other email addresses associated with the user | No |
Street | The user's street address | No |
Street2 | Additional street address information for the user | No |
City | The user's city | No |
State | The user's state or region | No |
Zip | The user's postal or zip code | No |
Country | The user's country | No |
VAT | The user's VAT number | No |
Phone | The user's phone number | No |
PhoneVerified | Whether the user's phone number is verified (1 or 0) | No |
Fax | The user's fax number | No |
TimeZone | The user's time zone | No |
Language | The user's preferred language | No |
LastActivityDateTime | The last activity date and time for the user | No |
ForwardToFriendHeader | Custom header for the 'Forward to Friend' emails | No |
ForwardToFriendFooter | Custom footer for the 'Forward to Friend' emails | No |
PreviewMyEmailAccount | The account information for PreviewMyEmail integration | No |
PreviewMyEmailAPIKey | The API key for PreviewMyEmail integration | No |
Enable2FA | Enable two-factor authentication ('true' to enable) | No |
Cancel2FA | Cancel two-factor authentication ('true' to cancel) | No |
RateLimits | Custom rate limits for the user | No |
CustomEmailHeaders | Custom email headers for the user | No |
WhiteListedEmailAddresses | Email addresses to whitelist. Each address should be on a separate line. Emails listed here will not be added to the suppression list, even in case of an opt-out request or hard bounce. | No |
DeliveryServerID | In order to assign a different delivery server to the user, set the delivery server ID. | No |
DefaultSenderDomain | In order to assign a different default sender domain than user group's default sender domain, use this parameter. In order to activate user specific default sender domain, user group sender domain must also be enabled. | No |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=User.Update' \
-d 'UserID=123' \
-d ''
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": ""
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 2,
"ErrorText": "User ID mismatch or unauthorized access."
1: Missing required field(s).
2: User ID mismatch or unauthorized access.
3: Connection error occurred with API.
4: Two-factor authentication code verification failed.
5: User information retrieval failed.
6: Email address or username already exists.
Delete Users
This endpoint is used to delete one or more users from the system. The user IDs to be deleted are passed as a comma-separated list.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Users.Delete | Yes |
users | Comma-separated list of user IDs to delete | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"SessionID": "your-session-id", "APIKey": "your-api-key", "Command": "Users.Delete", "users": "1,2,3"}'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": ""
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": {
NOT AVAILABLE IN DEMO MODE: The function is not available in demo mode.
Retrieve User List
This endpoint retrieves a list of users based on various criteria such as user group, account status, reputation, or a specific search term.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | Users.Get | Yes |
RecordsPerRequest | The number of records to return per request. Defaults to 25 if not provided. | No |
RecordsFrom | The starting point for records to return. Defaults to 0 if not provided. | No |
RelUserGroupID | The ID of the user group to filter by. Can be an array for multiple groups. | No |
OrderField | The field to order the results by. | No |
OrderType | The order type (e.g., ASC, DESC). | No |
SearchField | The field to search within. | No |
SearchKeyword | The keyword to search for. | No |
ReturnStats | Set true to return user stats. | No |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "Users.Get",
"RecordsPerRequest": 10,
"RecordsFrom": 0,
"RelUserGroupID": "Online",
"OrderField": "LastName",
"OrderType": "ASC",
"SearchField": "FirstName",
"SearchKeyword": "John"
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"Users": [
"UserID": 1,
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Email": "",
"Stats": {
"NumberOfLists": 6,
"TotalActiveSubscribers": 54,
"New Subscribers": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 10,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Lost Subscribers": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 0,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Sent Campaigns": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 3,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Sent Emails": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 19,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Opens": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 0,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Clicks": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 0,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Revenue": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 0,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Hard Bounces": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 1,
"2024-12-26": 0
"Spam Complaints": {
"2024-12-19": 0,
"2024-12-20": 0,
"2024-12-21": 0,
"2024-12-22": 0,
"2024-12-23": 0,
"2024-12-24": 0,
"2024-12-25": 0,
"2024-12-26": 0
"TotalUsers": 100
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1,
"ErrorMessage": "An error occurred while retrieving the user list."
1: An error occurred while retrieving the user list.
Create User API Key
This endpoint is used to create a new API key for a user. It requires an administrative note and optionally allows binding to an IP address.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Note | An administrative note for the API key | Yes |
BoundIpAddress | IP address to bind the API key to (optional) | No |
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your_session_id",
"APIKey": "your_api_key",
"note": "Administrative note for API key",
"boundipaddress": ""
"APIKeyID": "generated_api_key_id",
"APIKey": {
"Key": "generated_api_key",
"Note": "Administrative note for API key",
"BoundIPAddress": ""
"Errors": [
"Code": 1,
"Message": "Missing administrative note parameter"
"Code": 3,
"Message": "API key create process failed"
"Code": 4,
"Message": "New API key create process has failed"
HTTP Response and Error Codes:
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Description |
422 | 1 | Missing administrative note parameter |
422 | 2 | Missing administrative bound IP address parameter (if applicable) |
400 | 3 | API key create process failed |
404 | 4 | New API key create process has failed |
Delete User API Key
This endpoint allows for the deletion of a specific API key associated with a user. It requires the unique identifier of the API key to be deleted.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
apikeyid | The unique identifier of the API key to delete | Yes |
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your_session_id",
"APIKey": "your_api_key",
"apikeyid": "api_key_id_to_delete"
"Success": true
"Errors": [
"Code": 1,
"Message": "Missing APIKeyID parameter"
"Code": 2,
"Message": "API key not found"
1: Missing APIKeyID parameter
2: API key not found
HTTP Response and Error Codes:
HTTP Response Code | Error Code | Description |
422 | 1 | Missing APIKeyID parameter |
404 | 2 | API key not found |
Based on the PHP code for the "GET api/v1/user.apikeys" endpoint, I will create an API documentation template. This endpoint is used for retrieving all API keys associated with a user.
Retrieve User API Keys
This endpoint provides a list of all API keys associated with the current user. It does not require any additional parameters apart from the user's session and API key.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your_session_id",
"APIKey": "your_api_key"
"Success": true,
"APIKeys": [
"APIKeyID": "api_key_id_1",
"APIKey": "api_key_value_1",
"Note": "Administrative note for API key 1",
"BoundIPAddress": ""
"Errors": [
HTTP Response and Error Codes:
This endpoint does not have specific error codes defined.
User Stats
This API endpoint allows users to retrieve their statistics for a specified period with optional aggregation by hours, days, weeks, months, or years. The response returns aggregated data over the specified period, along with overall statistics like the number of lists and active subscribers.
Request Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
StartDate | The start date of the period from which statistics should be retrieved. Format YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s . | Yes |
EndDate | The end date of the period up to which statistics should be retrieved. Format YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s . | Yes |
Aggregation | The type of aggregation for the data. Possible values are: hourly , daily , weekly , monthly , yearly | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your_session_id",
"StartDate": "2024-10-03 04:00:00",
"EndDate": "2024-10-03 06:00:00",
"Aggregation": "hourly"
"NumberOfLists": 16,
"TotalActiveSubscribers": 49,
"New Subscribers": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 69,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 87,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 26
"Lost Subscribers": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 4,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 0,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 93
"Sent Campaigns": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 53,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 55,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 31
"Sent Emails": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 73,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 59,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 91
"Opens": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 4,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 77,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 4
"Clicks": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 93,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 95,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 82
"Revenue": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 342525,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 0,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 20035
"Hard Bounces": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 0,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 0,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 0
"Spam Complaints": {
"2024-10-03 04:00:00": 0,
"2024-10-03 05:00:00": 0,
"2024-10-03 06:00:00": 0
"Errors": [
"Code": 6,
"Message": "DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (2024-10-03 04:) at position 11 (0): Unexpected character"
1: Missing StartDate parameter. StartDate not provided in request.
2: Missing EndDate parameter. EndDate not provided in request.
3: Missing Aggregation parameter. Aggregation not provided in request.
4: Invalid Aggregation value. Aggregation has an invalid value, should be one of predefined types.
5: Unexpected error occurred. General error, can be customized for specific cases.
6: Exception message. Any internal server or logic error, such as invalid date format.