Custom Fields
Create a New Custom Field
This endpoint is used to create a new custom field for a subscriber list. It allows for various field types and configurations, including preset fields, validation rules, and merge tag aliases.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | CustomField.Create | Yes |
SubscriberListID | The ID of the subscriber list to which the custom field will be added | Yes |
FieldName | The name of the custom field | Conditional |
FieldType | The type of the custom field (e.g., 'Date field', 'Drop down', etc.) | Conditional |
DefaultValue | The default value for the custom field | No |
ValidationMethod | The method used to validate the field (e.g., 'None', 'Custom') | No |
ValidationRule | The rule used for custom validation | Conditional |
MergeTagAlias | An alias for the merge tag associated with the custom field | No |
PresetName | The name of the preset to use for the custom field | Conditional |
Years | The range of years for a 'Date field' type | Conditional |
OptionLabel | The labels for the options of the field | Conditional |
OptionValue | The values for the options of the field | Conditional |
OptionSelected | The selected options of the field | Conditional |
IsRequired | Whether the field is required ('Yes' or 'No') | No |
IsUnique | Whether the field must have a unique value ('Yes' or 'No') | No |
Visibility | The visibility of the field (Public , User Only , Hidden ) | No |
IsGlobal | Whether the field is global ('Yes' or 'No') | No |
DataType | If this parameter is provided, the custom field column type will be set accordingly. Available values: text , longtext , number , datetime (DefaultValue must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS format), date (DefaultValue must be in YYYY-MM-DD format), time (DefaultValue must be in HH:II:SS format), timestamp (DefaultValue must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS format), single-select (OptionValue should be a comma separated value for enum values. DefaultValue should be one of those default values.), multi-select (OptionValue should be a comma separated value for set values. DefaultValue should be an array from those set values.) | No |
curl -X POST \
-d 'SessionID=exampleSessionId' \
-d 'APIKey=exampleApiKey' \
-d 'Command=CustomField.Create' \
-d 'SubscriberListID=123' \
-d 'FieldName=Birthdate' \
-d 'FieldType=Date field' \
-d 'DefaultValue=1990-01-01' \
-d 'ValidationMethod=Custom' \
-d 'ValidationRule=after:1980-01-01' \
-d 'MergeTagAlias=birthday' \
-d 'IsRequired=Yes' \
-d 'IsUnique=No' \
-d 'Visibility=Public' \
-d 'IsGlobal=No'
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": "",
"CustomFieldID": 456
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": [
"ErrorText": "Missing subscriber list id"
1: Missing subscriber list id
2: Missing field name
3: Missing field type
4: Missing validation rule
5: Invalid preset name
1000: Merge tag alias code has been set for another custom field
1001: Merge tag alias code includes invalid characters
Update Custom Field
This endpoint is used to update the details of an existing custom field in the system.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | CustomField.Update | Yes |
CustomFieldID | The unique identifier for the custom field to be updated | Yes |
FieldName | The name of the custom field | Yes |
FieldType | The type of the custom field (e.g., 'Single line', 'Paragraph text') | Yes |
SubscriberListID | The ID of the subscriber list associated with the custom field | No |
DefaultValue | The default value for the custom field | No |
MergeTagAlias | The merge tag alias for the custom field | No |
ValidationMethod | The method used to validate the custom field's value | No |
ValidationRule | The rule applied for validating the custom field's value | No |
OptionLabel | The label for the field option | No |
OptionValue | The value for the field option | No |
OptionSelected | The selected option for the field | No |
Visibility | The visibility of the field (Public , User Only , Hidden ) | No |
IsGlobal | Whether the custom field is global ('Yes' or 'No') | No |
IsRequired | Whether the custom field is required ('Yes' or 'No') | No |
IsUnique | Whether the custom field is unique ('Yes' or 'No') | No |
Years | The years option for a date field | No |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "CustomField.Update",
"CustomFieldID": "123",
"FieldName": "New Field Name",
"FieldType": "Single line"
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": ""
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": [
"ErrorText": [
"Missing custom field id"
1: Missing custom field id
2: Missing field name
3: Missing field type
4: Missing validation rule
6: Invalid custom field id
7: Invalid field type
8: Invalid validation method
9: Invalid visibility value
10: Invalid IsRequired value
11: Invalid IsUnique value
12: Invalid IsGlobal value
1000: Merge tag alias code has been set for another custom field
1001: Merge tag alias code includes invalid characters.
Delete Custom Fields
This endpoint is used to delete one or more custom fields associated with a user. The custom fields to be deleted are specified by their IDs.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | CustomFields.Delete | Yes |
CustomFields | A comma-separated list of custom field IDs to delete | Yes |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "CustomFields.Delete",
"CustomFields": "1,2,3"
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": ""
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": {
"customfields": 1
"ErrorText": [
"Custom field ids are missing"
1: Custom field ids are missing
Retrieve Custom Fields
This endpoint retrieves custom fields associated with a specific subscriber list. It allows for the optional return of global custom fields as well.
Request Body Parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required? |
SessionID | The ID of the user's current session | Yes |
APIKey | The user's API key. Either SessionID or APIKey must be provided. | Yes |
Command | CustomFields.Get | Yes |
SubscriberListID | The unique identifier for the subscriber list | Yes |
ReturnGlobalCustomFields | A boolean value to specify if global custom fields should be returned | No |
OrderField | The field by which to order the custom fields | No |
OrderType | The order type, either 'ASC' for ascending or 'DESC' for descending | No |
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"SessionID": "your-session-id",
"APIKey": "your-api-key",
"Command": "CustomFields.Get",
"SubscriberListID": "123",
"ReturnGlobalCustomFields": true,
"OrderField": "FieldName",
"OrderType": "ASC"
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": 0,
"ErrorText": "",
"TotalFieldCount": 5,
"CustomFields": [
"FieldID": "1",
"FieldName": "CustomField1",
"FieldType": "text"
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": 1,
"ErrorText": "Missing subscriber list id"
1: Missing subscriber list id