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Journey Actions


This action pauses the journey for a specified period.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "Wait",
  "WaitUnit": "seconds",
  "WaitAmount": 20,
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to Wait.
PublishedSet this parameter to true to activate it. Default: false.
WaitUnitSet to one of seconds, minutes, hours, days.
WaitAmountSet to an integer value based on the WaitUnit parameter.
NotesThe administrative note for the journey action.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false


This action updates a subscriber's custom field.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "UpdateCustomFieldValue",
  "TargetCustomFieldID": 10,
  "NewCustomFieldValue": "New Value",
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to UpdateCustomFieldValue.
PublishedSet this parameter to true to activate it. Default: false.
TargetCustomFieldIDThe ID of the subscriber's custom field.
NewCustomFieldValueThe new value for the custom field.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false


This action unsubscribes the subscriber from the target list.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "Unsubscribe",
  "TargetListID": 10,
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to Unsubscribe.
PublishedSet this parameter to true to activate it. Default: false.
TargetListIDThe ID of the target list from which to unsubscribe.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false


This action stops the specified journey for the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "ExitJourney",
  "TargetJourneyID": 10,
  "Notes": "Administative note"

or an array of journey ID numbers can be passed as shown below:

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "ExitJourney",
  "TargetJourneyID": [
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to ExitJourney.
PublishedSet this parameter to true to activate it. Default: false.
TargetJourneyIDThe ID of the journey to stop for the subscriber. Alternatively, it can be an array of Journey ID numbers.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false


This action stops the current journey for the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "ExitThisJourney",
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to ExitThisJourney.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false


This action stops all journeys except the current one for the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "ExitAllOtherJourneys",
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to ExitAllOtherJourneys.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false


This action stops all active journeys of the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "ExitAllJourneys",
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to ExitAllJourneys.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false


This action triggers a webhook.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "Webhook",
  "WebhookURL": "",
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to Webhook.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
WebhookURLThe URL of the webhook to trigger.


This action starts a journey for the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "StartJourney",
  "TargetJourneyID": 0,
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to StartJourney.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
TargetJourneyIDThe ID of the journey to start for the subscriber.


This action subscribes the subscriber to a list.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "Subscribe",
  "TargetListID": 0,
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to Subscribe.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
TargetListIDThe ID of the list to which to subscribe.


This action adds a tag to the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "AddTag",
  "TargetTagID": 0,
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to AddTag.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
TargetTagIDThe ID of the tag to add.


This action will halt all journeys except the current one for the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "RemoveTag",
  "TargetTagID": 0,
  "Notes": "Administative note"
ActionIDProvide an ActionID to update a specific action. Set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to RemoveTag.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
TargetTagIDThe ID of the tag.


This action will implement a basic yes or no condition with a single criteria and set of actions for both yes and no cases.


This action is deprecated and will be removed in one of the coming Octeth version releases. Please use Decision action instead.

  "ActionID": null,
  "Action": "YesNo",
  "Notes": "Administative note",
  "CriteriaLeft": "EmailAddress",
  "CriteriaOperator": "Contains",
  "CriteriaRight": "@gmail",
  "CriteriaOption": "",
  "Actions": {
    "Yes": [],
    "No": []
ActionIDProvide an ActionID to update a specific action. Set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to YesNo.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
CriteriaLeftThe left side of the criteria. It can be SubscriberID, EmailAddress, BounceType, SubscriptionStatus, SubscriptionDate, SubscriptionIP, OptInDate, CustomField:XX (XX represents the custom field ID), Opens, Clicks
CriteriaOperatorSet the operator to compare left to the right. It can be Contains, Does not contain, Begins with, Ends with, Equals to, Is greater than, Is smaller than, Is before, Is after, Is set, Is not set, Is, Is not, At most, At least, Only
CriteriaRightIt can be any value or an array of campaign or autoresponder ID numbers. If you are going to provide campaign ID numbers, ID numbers should have a prefix c. For autoresponders, prefix a. Example: ['c100', 'c101'] for campaigns, ['a100', 'a101'] for autoresponders.
CriteriaOptionThis parameter accepts any or all. It defines how to match campaign or autoresponder opens or clicks.
Actions.YesThe array of action objects in case of Yes condition.
Actions.NoThe array of action objects in case of No condition.


This action will implement a decision with a criteria and set of actions for both true and false cases.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "Decision",
  "Notes": "Administative note",
  "CriteriaOperator": "or",
  "Criteria": [],
  "Actions": {
    "True": [],
    "False": []

Decision action can have multi-nested decision actions. Here is an example:

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "Decision",
  "Notes": "Administative note",
  "CriteriaOperator": "or",
  "Criteria": [
  "Actions": {
    "True": [
        "ActionID": 2,
        "Action": "Decision",
        "Notes": "Administative note",
        "CriteriaOperator": "and",
        "Criteria": [
        "Actions": {
          "True": [],
          "False": []
    "False": [
        "ActionID": 3,
        "Action": "Decision",
        "Notes": "Administative note",
        "CriteriaOperator": "and",
        "Criteria": [
        "Actions": {
          "True": [],
          "False": []
ActionIDProvide an ActionID to update a specific action. Set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to Decision.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
CriteriaOperatorIt can be set as and, or. Default value is and
CriteriaThe array of criteria. Please refer to the criteria object below.
ActionsThe array of action objects in case True and False cases.


This action sends the email to the subscriber.

  "ActionID": 1,
  "Action": "SendEmail",
  "Notes": "Administative note",
  "EmailID": 1,
  "SenderDomainID": 2,
  "From": {
    "Name": "From Name",
    "Email": ""
  "ReplyTo": {
    "Name": "Reply-To Name",
    "Email": ""
  "CC": [
      "Name": "CC Name",
      "Email": ""
  "BCC": [
      "Name": "BCC Name",
      "Email": ""
ActionIDIf provided, this will update the specified action. If not, set this parameter to null to create a new action.
ActionSet this parameter to AddTag.
PublishedIf this is set to true, the action will be enabled. Values: true, false. Default: false
EmailIDThe ID of the target email content.
SenderDomainIDThe ID of the email gateway sender domain to use when sending the email.
FromFrom.Name and From.Email parameters to set as From header of the email.
Reply-ToReplyTo.Name and ReplyTo.Email parameters to set as Reply-To header of the email.
CCThe array with Name and Email parameters to set as CC header of the email.
BCCThe array with Name and Email parameters to set as BCC header of the email.

Any questions? Contact us.